<div class="apiDetail">
	<h2><span>Function(event, treeId, treeNodes)</span><span class="path">setting.callback.</span>onDragMove</h2>
	<h3>Overview<span class="h3_info">[ depends on <span class="highlight_green">jquery.ztree.exedit</span> js ]</span></h3>
	<div class="desc">
		<div class="longdesc">
			<p>Used to capture the drag-move event when drag & drop node.</p>
			<p class="highlight_red">Mainly used to capture the DOM which the nodes was drag in. </p>
			<p>Default: null</p>
	<h3>Function Parameter Descriptions</h3>
	<div class="desc">
	<h4><b>event</b><span>js event Object</span></h4>
	<p>event Object</p>
	<h4 class="topLine"><b>treeId</b><span>String</span></h4>
	<p>zTree unique identifier: <b class="highlight_red">treeId</b>, the tree is what the treeNodes are belong to, easy for users to control.</p>
	<h4 class="topLine"><b>treeNodes</b><span>Array(JSON)</span></h4>
	<p>A collection of the nodes which will be dragged</p>
	<h3>Examples of setting & function</h3>
	<h4>1. When drag nodes, output the target dom.</h4>
	<pre xmlns=""><code>function zTreeOnDragMove(event, treeId, treeNodes) {
var setting = {
	callback: {
		onDragMove: zTreeOnDragMove