"MODEL.SAVE.NEWVERSION":"Save this as a new version? This means you can always go back to a previous version",
"MODEL.SAVE.SAVING":"Saving model",
"MODEL.SAVE.ERROR":"Unexpected error: could not save model",
"EVENT_TYPE.ACTIVITY.COMPENSATE.TOOLTIP":"An activity is about to be executed as a compensation for another activity. The event targets the activity that is about to be executed for compensation",
"EVENT_TYPE.ACTIVITY.COMPLETED.TOOLTIP":"An activity has been completed successfully",
"EVENT_TYPE.ACTIVITY.ERROR.RECEIVED.TOOLTIP":"An activity has received an error event. Dispatched before the actual error has been received by the activity",
"EVENT_TYPE.MEMBERSHIP.CREATED.TOOLTIP":"A new membership has been created",
"EVENT_TYPE.MEMBERSHIP.DELETED.TOOLTIP":"A single membership has been deleted",
"EVENT_TYPE.MEMBERSHIPS.DELETED.TOOLTIP":"All memberships in the related group have been deleted. No individual events will be dispatched due to possible performance reasons",
"EVENT_TYPE.TASK.ASSIGNED.TOOLTIP":"A task as been assigned. This is thrown alongside with an ENTITY_UPDATED event",
"EVENT_TYPE.TASK.COMPLETED.TOOLTIP":"A task has been completed. Dispatched before the task entity is deleted",
"EVENT_TYPE.UNCAUGHT.BPMNERROR.TOOLTIP":"When a BPMN Error was thrown, but was not caught within in the process",
"EVENT_TYPE.VARIABLE.CREATED.TOOLTIP":"A new variable has been created",
"EVENT_TYPE.VARIABLE.DELETED.TOOLTIP":"An existing variable has been deleted",
"EVENT_TYPE.VARIABLE.UPDATED.TOOLTIP":"An existing variable has been updated"